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Laboratory analysis conducted by the Center for Preventive Doping Research (CePreDo) at the German Sport University Cologne

Batch-Number Best before date Analysis date
Laboratory analysis
23220008 2026-07-31 2023-09-28 without objection

Self-disclosure of the company

Those companies that are involved in the process of production do not produce anabolic androgenic steroids or prohormones!

During the process of production, processing and distribution a contact with anabolic androgenic steroids (prohormones) can be eliminated!

Food supplement from wild blueberry extract with at least 36% anthocyanins


with nettle extract

with B vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12

gluten-free, vegan

free of preservatives and flavors

made in Germany

vitamins & minerals in wild blueberry extract *vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, calcium, iron, chromium, manganese, sodium


Anthocyanins of wild blueberry can protect cells. Thus strengthened cells are long-lived and can perform their vital work, for us, optimally. They stimulate the detoxification system of the liver, can help to eliminate heavy metals and endotoxins, and there is the possibility to reduce disease-promoting inflammation.


In an independent cell biology experiment conducted by Prof. Dartsch Institute, it was confirmed that two capsules of blueantox®IMMUN have the same anti-inflammatory component as 600 to 800 mg of pure ibuprofen (this report can be requested at any time from Nature Medic Solution GmbH).

NatureMedic Solution GmbH
Telephone: +49 (0) 171 5549 320
e-Mail: vertrieb@blueantox.com
Website: www.blueantox.com

According to the company, the production of the above-mentioned products is subject to a quality management process that includes the following valid certifications for food safety management systems and production standards:

  • ISO 9001
  • HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points)

Cologne List® supports the assessment of a certain nutritional supplement by athletes, coaches and sport medicine specialists. Cologne List® does not take on any responsibility using a product published on the Cologne List®. The ultimate responsibility remains with each athlete.

Please note:
Neither the fact that a product is published on the Cologne List® nor a negative laboratory analysis is a warranty that the product does not contain any prohormones, anabolic substances, or stimulants. The Cologne List® only ascertains that listed products are associated with a minimized risk of doping.