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Wobenzym sport

Laboratory analysis conducted by the Center for Preventive Doping Research (CePreDo) at the German Sport University Cologne

Batch-Number Best before date Analysis date
Laboratory analysis
2364074 2025-03-31 2023-12-05 without objection
2260680 2024-02-28 2022-11-21 without objection
2156470 2022-06-30 2021-11-12 without objection
2156472 2023-02-28 2021-11-12 without objection
2050787 2021-09-30 2020-11-19 without objection
2052617 2022-06-30 2020-11-19 without objection
995565433 2021-07-31 2019-11-22 without objection
995665433 2021-07-31 2019-11-21 without objection
979059469 2020-11-30 2019-04-03 without objection
979069469 2020-11-30 2019-04-03 without objection

Self-disclosure of the company

Those companies that are involved in the process of production do not produce anabolic androgenic steroids or prohormones!

During the process of production, processing and distribution a contact with anabolic androgenic steroids (prohormones) can be eliminated!

Mucos Pharma GmbH & Co. KG
Telephone: 089/638372400
e-Mail: medinfo@mucos.de
Website: www.wobenzym.de

According to the company, the production of the above-mentioned products is subject to a quality management process that includes the following valid certifications for food safety management systems and production standards:

  • GMP Good Manufacturing Practice

Cologne List® supports the assessment of a certain nutritional supplement by athletes, coaches and sport medicine specialists. Cologne List® does not take on any responsibility using a product published on the Cologne List®. The ultimate responsibility remains with each athlete.

Please note:
Neither the fact that a product is published on the Cologne List® nor a negative laboratory analysis is a warranty that the product does not contain any prohormones, anabolic substances, or stimulants. The Cologne List® only ascertains that listed products are associated with a minimized risk of doping.