You are entering the Cologne List® product database. Please read these Terms of Use carefully and agree to them by clicking on "Yes, I have read these Terms of Use and agree to them". You will then be directed to the Cologne List® product database.
As the publisher of Cologne List® we strive to provide accurate, complete and up-to-date information on this website. We, therefore, handle the information provided by manufacturers with great care. Nevertheless, Cologne List® assumes no liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided on this website. Cologne List® shall in no event assume or be responsible for any liabilities.
It should be stressed that Cologne List® is not a recommendation for athletes to take nutritional supplements. Our goal is merely to educate and create awareness! Whether or not it is sensible to use of any of the various products must be assessed separately for each product and for each individual athlete, for example by a sports nutritionist.
In general, we are, however, convinced that nutritional supplements claiming to have fat-burning, muscle-building or cognition-enhancing properties should be regarded with the utmost caution. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
The listing of a product on Cologne List® does not mean that the product is strictly free from banned substances. It simply means that the risk of contamination is significantly reduced. It is the athlete's sole responsibility to evaluate any potential risk of an anti-doping rule violation as well as any possible health risk.
Cologne List® provides the following informative content for risk assessment:
a) Laboratory analysis of specific batches conducted by the Center for Preventive Doping Research at the German Sport University Cologne
Laboratory analyses of specific product batches provide selective results. Products can be tested for prohormones, anabolic steroids and stimulants, respectively. Testing results always apply to that specific batch only. Batch numbers and/or best before dates are, therefore, published along with the testing results.
The number of product analyses conducted, which appears in the product details section, provides an additional aid for safety assessment as regular testing improves product safety.
b) Manufacturers' voluntary self-disclosure
The information companies disclose on respective products is intended to help athletes evaluate the safety of nutritional supplements. Any information on the possibility of contamination of a product during the production, processing and sale process as well as information regarding quality management certification has been confirmed by the signature of a representative of the respective company prior to being published on Cologne List®. The information is not verified by the Olympic Training Center Rhineland (Olympiastützpunkt Rheinland). The same applies to the companies' comments on products.